- Access to Medical Consent Form
- Back to work interview form
- Employees statement of sickness form
- Health Questionnaire
- Long Term Sickness Absence Policy
- Medical Report Access Form
- Obtaining Medical Reports Policy
- Self Certification Sickness Form
- Self-Certificate form for Sickness Absence
- Short Term Sickness Absence Policy
- Sick Pay Entitlement Document
- Letter advising employee to remain at home until medical evidence obtained about suitability to work
- Letter cautioning an employee about a poor attendance record
- Letter further cautioning an employee about a continued poor attendance record
- Letter informing half pay
- Letter informing no pay
- Letter inviting an employee to attend a meeting following a period of sickness absence
- Letter notifying an employee of plans to request a medical report
- Letter notifying reversion to SSP
- Letter of dismissal on long-term incapacity grounds
- Letter outlining the outcome of a long-term incapacity dismissal appeal meeting
- Letter requesting that an employee attend a medical examination
- Letter requesting consent to obtain medical report
- Letter requesting employees attendance at a meeting following a period of long-term incapacity
- Letter acknowledging fitness for work
- Letter acknowledging not fit for work
- Letter to a doctor requesting a medical report on an employee on long term sickness
- Letter to a doctor requesting a medical report on an employee who has persistent shortterm sickness
- Letter to an employee explaining the right to have access to medical reports
- Letter to an employee on sickness absence requesting an anticipated date of return to work