Updated: 1st April 2013

Type of payment (and statutory reference)

Minimum from 1st February 2013

Maximum from 1st February 2013

Limit on a week's pay (gross) for certain purposes (section 227,ERA 1996)

No minimum


Unfair dismissal basic award (section 119, ERA 1996)

No minimum


Unfair dismissal compensatory (section 124, ERA 1996)

No minimum

£74,200 save in certain circumstances

Unfair dismissal additional award(section 117(3), ERA 1996)

Lower of 26 weeks' pay or £11,700

52 weeks' pay (up to £23,400)

Statutory redundancy payment (section 162, ERA 1996)

No minimum


Guarantee pay limit for a day's pay during short-time or temporary lay-off (section 31, ERA 1996)

No minimum

£24.20 a day (subject to a maximum of 5 days or £121 any three months)

Basic award where the dismissal is in breach of statutory DDPs (section 120(1A), ERA 1996)

Lower of 4 weeks' pay or £1,800


Basic award where the principal reason for dismissal is for trade union membership or activities (section 156, TULRCA)



Basic award where the principal reason for dismissal is for carrying out activities as a health and safety representative (sections 120, ERA 1996)



Basic award where the principal reason for dismissal is for carrying out duties as an occupational pension scheme trustee (section 120, ERA 1996)



Basic award where the principal reason for dismissal is for carrying out functions or activities as an employee representative or candidate (section 120, ERA 1996)



Basic award where the principal reason for dismissal is based on working time grounds (section 120, ERA 1996)



Award for employees excluded or expelled from a trade union (EAT cases only) (section 176(6A), TULRCA)



Unjustifiable discipline by a trade union (section 67(8), TULRCA)

No minimum


Unfair refusal of employment or services of employment agency on union membership grounds (section 140(4), TULRCA)

No minimum


Consultation with union on training (section 70C, TULRCA)

No minimum

2 weeks' pay (up to £900)

Breach of right to be accompanied (section 11(3), Employment Relations Act 1999)

No minimum

2 weeks' pay (up to £900)

Breach of contract cases heard in the employment tribunal (Employment Tribunal's Extension of Jurisdiction (England and Wales) Order 1994)

No minimum


Failure to inform or consult over collective redundancy (section 188, TULRCA)

No minimum

90 days' actual pay (statutory limit on weeks pay does not apply)

Failure to inform or consult over a TUPE transfer (regulation 16, TUPE)

No minimum

13 weeks' actual pay (statutory limit on weeks pay does not apply)

Failure to give statement of employment particulars (section 38, Employment Act 2002)

2 weeks' pay (up to £900)

4 weeks' pay (up to £1,800)

Breach of flexible working regulations (regulation 7, Flexible Working (Eligibility, Complaints and Remedies) Regulations 2002)

No minimum

8 weeks' pay (up to £3,600)

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